cipal Collector of Pulilie Dues upon all lan<ls gi\'en !!ranted l l . 'l' ' I ' 0 01· so c m . cxa:,:, for ~nr. 1 of the Departments thereof who shall hiwe l"ltc po1rer to appoim oue or more deputies, a; mav be neces;;nry for doing the duties of the office· which said Collectors shall give hond and security to the Go\'eroor and his suce:essor? i~1. ollice. in the sum of tweuly-five thousand di,llars for his b11thful performance, and may take such se- curity from his deputies as he may think proper for his own safety: pmvided, that every such Collector and Depmy Col- lector shall, before commencing upon their respective duties, tnkc the oath of office provided in the tenth section of the Organic Law of the Provisional Government of Texas. SEC. 2. Be it f urllter ordained and decreed, &c., That the- Collector of each Department shall make quarterly re- turns, and pay over all monies in his hands to the Treasurer of Texas, iledncting for his services as Collector, ten per cent. in the amount collected: pr(Ji;ided, it shall not exceed one thousand dollars per annum; and shall, semiannually, make a full and general settlement of nil his accounts in the same manner as other public accounts are settled: provided, that in settling, the said Collector shall be governed by the laws heretofore directing the mode of collecting public dues upon lands in Texas; and the functions of all persons heretofore, or at present, acting as collectors as aforesaid, are declared by this Ordinance to be at an end, and from and after the pub- lication hereof, their acts null and void. S1w. 3. Be it f-urtlier ordained a11d decreed, &c., That the several Collectors shall be required to receive in payment for pnblic dues on lands, such treasury orders as have b~en duly audited, passed and allowed agreeably to law, which shnll be sufficient voucher~ in the settlement of said Collectors to the amount of each treasury order: pro11ided, that no Col- lector shall be permitted to purchase any such treasury orders, nor to have anv such orders allowed in his settlement, except such as have been receiYecl in payment aforesaid. which shall be specificallv stated upon the back of each order, the date, when transfe.rred, for what land. number and quantity, ancl signed b~· the part~· who makes. the_ transfer:_ imd if anv Collector !'hall be !!Uiltv of n violation of this or- dinance. on conviction thereof. shall be fined for each
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