Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

Approved, December 27, 1835.




Secretary of Executive.

An Ordinance and .Decree the better to define and more permanently, to fix the bou11da1y of tlze JJl£unicipality of Matagorda. Be it ordained and decreed, That the boundary line of the Municipality of Matagorda, which, heretofore, was a subject of uncertainty, shall be thus: On the East, beginning at the entrance of Cedar Lake into the Gulf of Mexico; thence, up the lake to the upper line of Harrison's league of land; thence west, to Lindvill's Bayou; thence, up that Bnyou to its source; thence, in a strait line to the residence of Jeremiah Dwyers; thence to the nearest part of the line of the Jurisdiction of Austin. On the North-Westerly-along the line of Austin to the late established line of Jackson. On the West-along the line of Jackson to the Bay of Matagorda. · On the South-It shall be bolmded by the Bay of Mata- gorda and the Gulf, with all its peninsulas and islands, har- bors, inlets and privileges. The foregoing Ordinances passed the Council December 27th, enrolled and signed Dec. 28th, handed the Governor same day, but was never returned by him. E. M. PEASE, Sec'y to G. C. An Ordinance and .Decree appointing Collectors of Public Dues, and defining their .Duties. Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordained and decreed by the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, That there !;hall be appointed, one Prin-


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