each and every vessel arriving at and departing from the ports of 1'~xas; also, the $aid Collector :;hall keep on his files or record, m a book for that purpo,;c, all manifests of croods wares and merchandize importccl, wh<:thcr subject to d~ty o: exempt therefrom; and of all articles exported from the dis- trict or port of which he is Collector, statina the quantity and description. 0 SEC. 20. Be it further ordained and decreed, and il is hereby further ordained and decreed, 1'hat all vessels, of e\'crv kind and description whatever, under twenty-one tons burthen, uavigating and plying in the waters of Texas (excepting pub- He ferries, boats and skiffs for private use,) shall be provided with a license, to be issued by the said Collectors and renewed yearly: and all vessels, of every kind and description whatever, of and above twenty-one tons hurt.hen, shall be provided with a register, to be issued by the respective Collectors afore5aid, setting forth the build, place of construction, names of owners and master, number of tons, ancl all the other requisites of said documents. SEC. 21. Be it furthe·r ordained 1111d decreed, a11d ii is hereby further ordai11ed a11d decreed, That the Collectors of the Reve- nue Districts of Texas shall be, and the same arc hereby re- spectively authorize,1 to nominate and appoint Pilots, of ex- perience and skill, to bring vessels into the ports ancl waters of Texas-the Collector to issue to the pilot or pilots so ap- pointed, n license, to be renewed yearly, for the lnwfnl exer- cise of his or their functions, for which a fee of two clollnrs each shall he paid; and that the pilot or pilots, so appointed and licern:ecl, r;hall recei-ve two dollars per foot for each foot of water that the vessel mnv draw, when safely conducted into said port or waters. An~' ·ve!'!'el entering ony port of Texns, where licensed pilots are stationed, such vessel. the owners or capfain shnll pay half pilotnge when he or they may not tl1ink proper to take a pilot: and all pilots who may refuse to perform their respectivP. duties, without just eause. shall be
sm:pendecl. and he forever ineligible to said office. Passed at Snn Felipe de Austin. Dec. 27, 1835.
JAMES W. ROBINSO~. Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C.
E . :M. PF.:\SF., Sec',v to G. C.
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