Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

appertain to the same grade of officers in the ports and reve- nue districts of the United States of North .America. SEC. 16. Be it f-11rthe1· orda•1:11ed and decreed, and it is hereby further ordained and decreed, That those Ordinances and De- crees establishing duties on impprted goods, wares and mer- chandize, and duties on tonnage in the revenue districts and ports of 'l'exas, shall take effect and be in full force from and after the day of their publication. SEC. 17. Be ·it further ordained and decreed, and it is hereby further ordained and decreed, That an Ordinance and Decree entitled, ".An Ordinance and Decree imposing duties on Im- portation and Tonnage, and for other purposes," passed the eighth day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-five in- stant, be, and the same is hereby repealed and annulled. SEC. 18. Be it further ordained and decreed, and it is hereby further ordained and decreed, That all the Collectors or Depu- ties, who may have given bond under the Ordinance and De- cree passed the eighth day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, which is repealed by the preceding section of this Ordinance and decree shall, on or before the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, give bond and security agreeably to the provisions of this Or- dinance and Decree - the bonds already given to remain, until that time, in full force; and on the failure of any Col- lector or deputy to comply by the time aforesaid, with the provisions herein established, then his office shall be declared vacant, and a new Collector or Deputy shall be appointed. SEC. 19. Be it '1trther ordained and decreed, and it is hereby further ordained and dec1·eed, That when any vessel shall be licensed or registered in any port of Texas, it shall be the duty of the Collector, before issuinl! the said license or register, to make a record thereof, in a book to be kept for that purpose in his office; and he shall make a certificate of such record, re- ferring to the book nnd pag-e. upon the bnck of the license or register, under his hand and seal of office, for which reg-istry he shall be entitled to receive fiye dollars for each re~ister, and two dollArs for each license, - the i:niil license to be renewed yearlv: and the Collector nforl:''-nid. shall ali:o keep a copy .or record of entrances and clearnnces of


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