Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9


intention_ of defrauding the public revenue, he or they shall forfeit sai~ goods, wares and merc)iandize so attempted to be smuggled m--:-the caus_e .to ?e decided in a summary way by the Judge of the .Mu~1c1pality; anci the said forfeited goods, ,rares and mer~hanchze shall be sold at public auction by order of the sa1cl Judge or proper oilicer, ten days' notice thereof to be given at the court-house door and two other public places; one half of the nett proceeds to be for the use of the Government, one-fourth to go to the informer, and one-fourth to go to the Collector of the Port for prosecuting, &c. .And the person or persons so convicted shall be subject to such other fine or fines as the Court having cognizance of the cause, may impose: provided, it shall not exceed one hun- dred per cent. on the assessed value of the goods, wares and merchandize so declared forfeited; and in default of payment of said fine or fines, the said person or persons so convicted, shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding eighteen months -at the discretion of the Court. All and every vessel or ves- sels of whatsoever kind or description, which may be found engaged in smuggling or aiding therein, shall be confiscated, and the masters and all parties concerned or interested in the same shall be fined and imprisoned. SEC. 14. Be it further ordained and decreed, and it is hereby further ordained and decreed,• That the said Principal Col- lectors shall be, and they are hereby authorized to pay out of the public monies collected by them, all the just and neces- sary expenses of their respective offices, to be submitted to the Government in their quarterly returns-the payment of a deputy not included, which must be defrayed by the Col- lector himself if he should judge fit not to act in person. SEC. 15. .Be it f1trlher ordained and decreed, a11d it is hereby further ordained and decreed, That the Collectors of each District and the Collectors of the Ports of En- trv and delivery of Texas, and nil other officers belonging to" the Revenue or Custom-House Department shall be, and are herebv clothed and i.nve$ted with all power and authoritv in 'their respective districts nnd ports, requi- site and' necessarv to execute the duties and discharge the functions of · their respective offices and stations. in order to seC'nre more effectuallv the revenues aforesaid; ancl they are hereb_v ilirectecl to perform such duties as


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