Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

hereby f-m·f.her ordained and decreed, That all articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of 'l'exas shall be, and are free of all duty whatsoever. SEC. 10. Be it further ordained and decreed, and it is hereby fm·thm· ordained and decreed, That all bonds and securities for customs or duties, made and executed in accordance with the foregoing sections, shall have the force of a judgment from their date; and the Judge or other proper officers, upon application of the Collector, shall issue execution immediately thereon, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. SRO. 11. Be it further ordained and decreed, and it is hereby further ordained a11d decreed, That all Collectors appointed by virtue of this Ordinance and Decree, shall make quarterly returns to the Government of all importations made into their respective ports and districts, with the sums total of duties and tonnage dues amounting thereon, setting forth the in- come and expenditure with the proper vouchers for the same; and each and every Principal Collector shall be entitled to receive ten per cent. on the amount of duties collected, as a compensation for discharging the duties of his office; which sum shall not exceed one thousand dollars per annum. And the s11id Collector shall receive such other perquisites as the Collector of the Port of New Orleans receives by virtue of his office. of all of which he shall keep a true and correct ac- count and report the same in his quarterly returns to the Of- fice of the Provisional Government. SEC. 12. Be it further ordained and decreed, and it is hereby further ordained and decreed, That it shall be lawful for the Collector, in case it should be necessary, to call upon any civil, naval or military officers to aid and assist in the enforcement and execution of these Ordinances and Decrees; that none of the officers aforesaid shall refuse or fail to give all the reason- able assistance in his or their power, to the Collector afore- said, under penalty of his or their being suspended from the office which he or they may hold. · SEC. 13. Be it f1.1rf.her ordained and decreed, and it is hereby f1irther ordained and decreed, That on conviction of any person or persons of smuggling or of an attempt to smuggle in goods, wares and merchnndize, with the


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