Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

?r hel?nging to the _same, or whether expressly and know- rngl_y mtroduccd or nnportcd for the use of the Armv and Navy thereof; and all bacon, pork, bread stuffs and lumber for huil<ling- shall he, and the same arc herein' 'declared free of al( du~y wha~ever, dming the ,~ar. For the purpose of carrymg rn to effect that part of t.his section, relative to the ex;tmination ancl apprnisement of such goods, wares and mer- chanuize with wh?s~ invoice ~rices the Collector or his depu- ty may_ not be sahsfi~d, the said ~~Hector or deputy is hereby 1rnthor1zt'cl and reqmred to adm1mster to the two appraisers ancl inspector or surveyor aforesaid, before they enter upon· their functions, t.h~ Oath to perform, duly and conscientious- ly, the duty so assigned to them, to the best of their knowl- edge and ability. · . SEC. 7. Be it furth.e1· ordained and decreed, and it is hereby f11rfher ordained and decreed, That there shall be, and there is imposed, assessed and levied, a tonnage duty of one dollar and twenty-five cents per ton on all vessels of and above ten tons hurthen, arriving at any port or harbor of Texas from any foreign port-excepting, only, vessels of war, letters of marque and reprisal, and all vessels having to enter by stress of weather or to re-fit in order to proceed on their voyage, or which may be wrecked; and on all vessels engaged in the coasting tratle there shall be, and there is hereby, imposed assessed and levied a tonnnge duty of t",elve and a hali cents per ton; anrl in addition to the aforesaid tonnage duty, each and every vei,sel arriving at nnd depaI"ting from any port or harbour of Texas shall pay an entrance fee of two dollars and a clearance fee of three dollars, severally and respective- ly,-the measurement for tonnage of said vessels to be taken from their respective Registers and the duty to be paid ac- oo~~~~ . . Sr:c. 8. Be it further ordained a11d decreed, a11d it is hereby fm·ther ordflined and decreed, That all amounts of duties under three lnmdred dollnrs shall be paid in cnsh, nncl for nil amonnts over three hundred dollars and not exceeding five hnndred dollars, sixty clays credit shnll he allowed and gh·en, and four months for nil sums exceeding fi,·e hundred dollnrs- pa~•ment to be secured by bon<l and serurity to the satisfnciion of the Collector. SEC. 9. BP. U further orda-i-ned and derreed, a11d it is


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