Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

nues which may become due and owinu to the llovemment of Texas from Impost Duties and Tonnuic· and l will faithfully • 0 ' account for and pay over all such sum or suntS of money as nm): come into my hands by virtue of my appointment, ·and I w1l_l duly perform nil other lawful acts assigned to my eaid appo111tmeut to the best of my skill and ability." :::iEC. J. Be il fur/her ordained and decreed, <rnd ·it is hereb11 f-urthcr orda1'.11cd and decreed, That there is imposed, a~sessed and levied upon all goods, wares and merchandize imported or ~orwarded from foreign port or ports, either by sea or by land, rnto any port, bay, harbor or riYer of Texas, or the limit:; thereof, a duty of twenty-live per cent., ad valorem, on such as are entitled to a debenture in the port or ports irom whence the $ame may have been shipped or forwarded, and a duty of fifteen per cent. ad valorem on such goods, wares and merchandize, imported or forwarded as aforesaid, as are not entitled to a debenture in the port or ports from whence the same may have been shipped. · SEC. 6. Be it f1trlher ordained and decreed, and it is ltereby further ordained and decreed, That it· shall be the duty oi each and every person importing or introducing goods, wares and merchanclize of any kind whatsoever, by sea or by land, or the comignee or consignees, or the master of the ,es2el in which the same may be imported, or any and every other person or persons having charge thereof, on the arrival of the vessel or conveyance in port, or within the limits of Texas, to lay before and exhibit to the Collector of the port, or his deputies, a certificate of export, manifest or invoice, and a cer- tificate of debenture (if debenture goods) of the mercbandize, goods and wares so imported or brought within the limits of Texas; and the Collector, or his deputy, shall require an oath or affirmation of the person or persons importing or introduc- ing, or of his or their consignee or consignees, that the said certificate of export, manifest or invoice is correct and true, · and that no fraucl or deception has been or is intended to be practised therein; which, if 8atisfactory to the Collector or his deputy; shall be received as fixing the value of said croods, wares and merchandize; if, on the contrary, the Collector or his deputy is not satisfied ns to the truth and

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