ness connected with his office, and give notice thereof, by ad- vertisement in the nearest newspaper to his port, for three weeks in succession. Also, it shall be the duty of the Col- lector of the Galveston District to cause all the different places selected for the collection of the Revenue, to be pub- lished in one of the newspapers in New York, and in one of the newspapers in Kew Orleans; the cost of which notices shall be allowed to the Collectors in the settlement of their accounts. And the Collector so appointed as aforesaid, be- fore he shall enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office, shall give bo;nd and security-to be approved by the Governor for the time being-for the true and faithful per- formance of his duties as such Collector, in a sum not less than twenty-five thousand dollars; which sum, when forfeited, shall be made payable to the said Governor or his successors in office, to be by him or them placed in the Public Treas- ury, and applied as cause may appear.-The said bond shall be filed in the Executive Office of Texas; and it may be sued on, and recovery had in the premises, for any amount of money or moneys, or other debt or thing due to and owing in the same to the Government; or any individual or individ- uals, body corporate or politic: in like manner actions of tres- pass and damages may be had and mainfoined, in consequence of neglect of duty. The Collector of each port is. hereby au- thorized to depute, if necessary, one or more respectable per- sons to transact the business of his appointment; and the said Collector shall severally take bond and security from each and every person so deputed, for the due and faithful performance of the respective duties assigned to him or them by virtue of his or their appointment; the said bond to be made payable, when forfeited, to the said Collector, as he must be accountable for their acts to the Government, in all matters that appertain to his office. SEC. 4. And be it further ordained and decreed, and it is further ordained and decreed, That the Collectors and Deputies shall, before they enter upon the duties of their office, take and subscribe to the following oath in addition to the oath prescribed by the Organic Law, be- fore some person legall~· authorized to administer oaths, viz: "I will use my best endeavors to collect all reve-
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