Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

And al[ that part of the coast of 'l'C'xns, from the mouth of Oyster Creek to the emrancc of c~clnr Lake, into the Gulf, including all bays, harbours, rirl'rs. ('re~ks ancl inlets ,rithin said limits be, and the i,:nne is herebr created and est~blishcd a district for revenue purposes, and s·hall be styled and known as the "District of Brazos." .:\ ncl all that part of t_he coast from the entrance of Cedar Lake into the Gulf of Mexico. to the \\"emrn line of the jurisdiction of iiatagorda, inc:iuding all bays, harbors, riv- ers, creeks and inlets, within said limits be, and the same is hereby created and established a district for revenue pur- poses, and shall be styled and known as the "District of )Iata- gorda." An<l all that part of the coast from the Western line of the jurisdiction of Matagorda to the Guadaloupe River, in- cluding all bays, harbors, rirers, creeks and inlets, within said limits be, and the same is hereby created and established n district for revenue purposes, and shall be styled and known as the "District of La Baca." Ancl aII that part of the coast irom the Western line of the District of La llaca, as for as it may be necessary to include all the coast of the Government of Texas, including all bays, harbors, rivers; creeks nntl inlets, or otl:er boundary Ene be, and the same is hereby created and established a district for revenue purposes, and shall be styled and known as the "Dis- trict of Aransas." SEC. 2. Be ·it furll1e1· ordained a11d decreed. and it is hereby ordained and decreed. That Earles' in the Di~trir.t of :\filam, the Ports of Sabine; Galveston Bay. Brnzo;:, )[ntagordu. La Baca, and Capano, be, and they are created and established Ports of Entry within their respecti\·e districts. SRc. 3. Be it f1irther ordained and decreed, and it is hereby furtlter ordained and decreed, That there shall be ap- pointed by the General Council and Commissioned by the Governor, a Collector of the Port for each Be,e- nue Dii-trict, for the collection of all imposts and tonnage clues arising- under this Ordinance. who shall, also. per- form the duties of Inspector. and shnll reside within the limits of the Di8trict for which he shall be appointed: and shall select the most suiiable place within hi!:: diF- trict for the public convenience and despatch of bn~i-


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