draft of record in a summary way, setting out in whose fa- vour drawn, date, letter, an<l amount after which he shall return the claim to the Au<litor, that he may place it on file according to the requisitions of the existing laws. ' ~EO. 15. If on_the examinatio~ by the Comptroller of any clmm, presented m accordance with the foregoing ordinances, he shall find it not in conformity with the existina laws he shall return it to the Auditor with his reasons i~ writina nnd if the Auditor shall approve of the rejection of the Comp: troller, he shall return the claim as ii no action had been lrnd thereon. SEC. 16. If any claim which may have been returned to the Auditor by the Comptroller, shall be still approved of by him, as filling all the requisitions of the laws, he shall pai;s it the second time and return it to the General Council, if in ·session, if not to the Governor, who shall, after an examina- tion of all the facts, decide the virtue of the claim, and if admitted return it to the Comptroller for its proper disposi- tion, and corresponding draft to the interested party, but if it be rejected by the Council or Governor it shall be finally rejected and remain as if no action had been had thereon. SJ-~. 17. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to fur- nish the TreasurP.r on every Wednesday and Saturday eve- ning a copy of all minutes of drafts drawn upon him from time to time, that he may be enabled to detect fraud or forging. SEC. 18. The Comptroller shall receive for his services the sum of six hundred dollars per annum. SEO. 19. The Auditor and Comptroller before entering upon the discharge of their respective duties, shall take and subscribe an oath, to faithfully discharge the duties of their respective offices in addition to the oath prescribed by the organic law. · SEC. 20. The Auditor shall give bond in the sum of fif- teen thousand dollars, with approved security, for the faith- ful performance of his duties, payable to the Governor and his successors in office, and the Comptroller shall gi,e bond in the sum of eight thousand dollars, for the faithf~I per- formance of his duties, payable to the Governor and his suc- cessors in office. SEC. 21. The Auditor and Comptroller shall report
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