Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

numbered, and some particular letter on each, one by which he could detect fraud or forgery, and set forth the considera- tion for which said draft was g~ven, the amount thereof, whether for property lost in Public Service, expenses of the Civil Department of Government, or of the Military, if for the monthly pay of officers and soldiers of the army, or con- tingent expenses _of the army. SEC. 8. That the Auditor shall be and is hereby consti- tuted a proper officer to administer oaths in all cases apper- taining to the proof of the claims which may be presented to him. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to furnish any applicant a copy of any claim, record, or other public docu- ment in his office, upon the applicant paying him twelve an<l a half cents for each hundred words contained therein. SEC. 10. The Auditor shall· rec.eive for his public services, the sum of one thousand dollars per annum. SEC. 11. That the committee on public accounts shall cease to act from and after day; that the committee on public accounts turn over all business before them to the Auditor, as soon as he enters upon the duties of his office. SEC. 12. That all ordinances, decrees and resolutione, passed by this house, regulating, governing or defining the duties of the committee of public accounts, be and are hereby made applicable and in full force on the Auditor, excepr such as may come in contradiction with the foregoing ordi- nances. SEC. 13. The Auditor shall keep a strict account of debta and credits: first, of each separate captain's command, if in the military service; second, of the contingent expenses of tlia army and military department; third, of expenses of the civil department; fourth, and of the various revenue ports. SEC. 14. It shall be the duty and is hereby made the duty of the Comptroller, when any claim is presented him, approved by the Auditor as set forth in the forego- ing, to strictly examine it, having previously well inform- ed himself of the existing laws, and if found in all its parts consistent, and containing all the requisites of the laws, he shall write "Approved" thereon, with the date_. when acted on; and shall also enter the corresponding


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