Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

\en the~on. and return the :;:1mc to thr Auditor who upon rec·ciYin~ :,,:1id daim ,,.o approwd, :;hall issue a draft tc:ounti'.l"- ~g1ll'd by the Comptroller) on the Treasury, for the c-orre- sponding amount. of money in fovo11r oi :,,aid claimant, "lrhic-h shall rt>.ad as follows: To The Tre:1snrer of the Pro\·isional Government of .Tex:?:., you will pay to A. B. or order the rnm <,f dollar:;. out of anv monies in the Tr"'asury not othe~wise appropriated. Date, &c. C. D. Auditor. E. F. Ct1ruprroller. Bu: ii said cl.1im should amount to a larger sum than f{lar thousand cit11lar:;:. it shall be referred to the~Go'l"ernor or Gen- em_ Coun.:·il, and if nppro'l"ed by either or both oi them, l'lai.m snail be returned to sa;d Auditor, signed and roumi:-r- signc<l. and auoro'l"ed bY the Go,ernor or General Cou.neil. in the 5fillle manner as aforesaid, and disposed of in the me mannc-r and form as aforesaid by said .Auditor and C-0mp- troll~r. S::c. 5. The Auditor shall pursue the same routine in rela- tion to all me nece:;:.;;.ary expenses of his office, and no money Sn.'!L oe a.rawn from the Tre,1sury unless the claim be andit€-d, and ~gnE<l oy the Aud:tor and Comptroller, if under 6e amount of fou.r thou-'a.nd dollars, and by the :\uditor, C<>mp- rro er and Go'l"ernor. if O'l"er the sum of four tho1L.:a.nd do1- !ars, and made in conformity to appropriations made by la.-: Pr'°/r i,i-!d. nenrlh'! That the General Council ~rre to it~lf thE; prinlege or'ordering payments on claims, not with- in the proooom of this ordinance; SEC. - 6. That all claims on passing the General Council shall be ~gned by the PreEident and Secretary, or the Go~e:- nor if the Council is not in session, which shall be roffie1ent endence to the Gow:rnor to countersign the co~-ponding draft on the Treasurer, after which the Auditor shall tak.? the same, to his office, and place it on file, with rueh aec-om- panying endence a;; applies to said claim. • SEC. 7. That the Auditor shall keep a strict record of all drafts issued on the Treasury, and have said dra.fu


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