of Public Accounts for Texas, under the management and control of one Auditor and one Comptroller, to be elected by the General Council, and commissioned by the Governor. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the A.uditor on the prE;- sentation of any claim or claims against the Provisional Gov- ernment of Texas, of whatever kind, or originating in what- ever manner, to receive and strictly examine the same, and if said claim or claims be just in all its parts in conformity with the existing laws, it shall be admitted, if not just in con- formity with the existing laws, it shall be rejected by the said Auditor, who shall assign his reasons for rejecting the same, in a summary manner upon said claim or claims, and return the same to the claimant without making a record thereof, but if said claim is admitted. said Auditor shall make a record thereof, in a neat and business like manner, setting forth the time when said claim originated, the time it was audited, the name of said claimant. the name of the officer command- ing, (if a military claim) ·to whose company attached, (if to any) by what officer certified, and for what consideration said claim originated. SEC. 3. The Auditor of Public Accounts shall at all times, bv reference to his book. be able to detect fraud or to ex- hibit to any commissioned officer of this Government, the Governor, the Members of the General Council. or any in- terested party, a correct and true sit.uation of his office, or that of any particular claim; said Auditor shall further num- ber and file all claims, receipts. and other evidences of debts. against the Government, in his office, so that he ean at any time refer to them; he shall also report and present every Wednesday and Saturday or oftener if necessary, all claims which be admits to the Comptroller for his examination, if the amount of said claim does not exceed four thousand dol- lars; but if said claim shall exceed the said amount, said claim shall be presented to the General Council (if in session) or to the acting Governor. SEC. 4. All claims under the aforesaid sum of four thousand dollars, when presented shall he examined by the Auditor, under the inspection of the Comptroller, ann if said claim;;: are appro,ed hy the Comptro?Jer, ~e shsill sign the same, with the words "Approved wnt-
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