the Republic of Mexico, and that the (said) Commissioners be instructed to provide in said treaty with the lndiaus, that they shall never alienate their lands, either separately or col- lectively, except to the Government of Texas, and to agree that the said Government will at any time hereafter, pur- chase all their claims at a fair and reasonable valuation. SEO. 3. Be it further resolved, &c., That the Governor be required to give to the Commissioners, such definite and par- ticular instructions, as he may think necessary to carry into effect the object of the foregoing resolutions, together with !>nr.h additional instructions as will sercure the effective co- operations of the Inclians at a time when it .may be necessary to call all the effective force of Texas, into the field, and agree- ing for their services in a body for n specified time. S:r.c. 4. Re it further resol·ved, &c., That the Commissioners be authorized and empowered to exchange other lands within the limits of Texas, not otherwise appi:opriated, in place of the lands claimed by said Cherokee Indians and their Asso- ciate Bands. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 26, 1835. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C. E. :M:. PEASE, Sec'ry of General Council. Approved, December 28, 1835.
C. R. STEWART, Sec'ry of Executive.
Resolution for changing the name a11d Municipality a11d Town of Viesca to 1)//"ilam. Be it resnfoed by the General Cmwcil of the Provisional Government of Texas, That the Town at the Falls of the Brazos River in the Nashville Colony, heretofore known by the name of Viesca, shall be and is· hereby changed to the nnrne of Milam, and the Municipality in which said
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