Resolution appointing Commissioners lo treat with the C/1c1·0/,:cc Indians, &c. Be it resolved by the General Cou11cil of the Provisional Go1 1 ern111ent of 7.'exas, 'l'hat Sam Houston, John Forbes, and John Cameron, be and they are hereby appointed, Commis- sioners to treat with the Cherokee lndians,and their twelve A11- sociate Bnnds, under such instructions as mny be given them by the Governor and Council, and should it so happen that all the Commissioners cannot attend, any two of them shall have power to conclude a treaty and report the same to the General Council of the Provisional Government, for its ap- proval and ratification. . Be it further resolved, &c., 'l'hat said Commissioners be re- quired to hold said treaty so soon as practicable. Passed, Dec. 22d, 1835. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Prea't of G. C. E. M. PEASE, Sec'v to Gen. Council. Approved, December 28, 1835. HENUY SMITH, Governor. C. B. STE\VART, Sec'y to Executive. Resolulio11 for instructing Cmm11issio11e1s appointed lo treat wit/, tlzc Chcrol.:cc Indians and l/1cir Associale Bauds. Be it resolved by the General Council of the Provisirmal Go11ernment nf Texas, That Sam Houston, John Forbes, and John Cameron, appointed Commissioners to treat with the aforesaid Indians, be and they nrc hereby instructed, to pro- ceed as soon as practicable to Nncogdoches, and hold a treaty with the Inilinns aforesaid, and that they shall in no wise trnmzcend the declnrntions mnde by the Consultation of No- vemhcr lni-t. in nny of their nrticles of treaty. SF.o. 2. Re it fm·fl,rr rrsofrerl. &r.., That they arc rc<Jnired in nil thin~i- to 1n1ri-11C' a r01mc of jni:ticc anrl C'Jl~ity townrcll' the Tnrli:111~. nn,1 to protcrt nll honr~i clnims of the whit<•!', a:.rrl'Pahlv to ~nr.h lnwi:, rompnrti:. or lrcnties, as the !:aicl Tmli:1111> · mny h:wr hr.n•toforr mn,lc with
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