and shall take an oath for the faithful discharge of the duties of their office. SEO. 8. Be it also ordained and decreed, &c., 'l.'hat each of the above named officers, on the receiving of his commission, shall report himse]f and forthwith proceed to the discharge of his duties, or be dismissed the service. Passed nt Snn Felipe de Austin, Dec. 18, 1835. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C. E. M. PP..\$F., Sec'y of General Council. Approved, 22d Dec. 18:J5. HENRY SMITH, Governor. C. B. STEW ART, Sec'y to Executive. An Ordinance and.Decree making an appropriation for the Regular Army andfor otherpurposes. Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordained and decreed by the Geneml Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, That forty thousand dollars be and is hereby appro-. priated, for raising and organizing the Regular Army, and for other contingent expenses, and that the Pay-master General before dra,ring on the Treasury for the same, or any part thereof, shn11 take and subscribe the oath and give the bond and security required, by the ordinances and decrees, hereto- fore passed, and now in full force. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 21, 1835. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C. E. M. PE.ASE, Sec'v of Gen. Council. Approved, December 22, 1835.
Sec'ry to Executive.
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