to act sepnrately, f~r a time he shall appoint deputy Pay- mnsters from the line, who shall account to him for the money advanced to them, and shall each give a bond in the sum of twenty-thous11nd dollal'll, with sufficient sureties for the foithfu~ di~charge of their duties respectively, and take an oath "faithfully to perform and execute the duties of their office," and the Regimental Pay-master, shall also give bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, with sufficient sure- ties, and take 11n oath, as aforesaid, "for the faithful discharge of the duties of their offices." Si,;o. 5. Be it f1trther ordained, &c., That all bonds to be given by virtue of this ordinance and decree, shall be made payable to the Governor or bis successor .in office, and be ap- proved hy him. SEC. 6. Be it further ordai?iea and decreed, ck, That 'the Quarter-master General, of the Regular Anny of Texas, shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath "faithfully to executies the duties of his office agreeably to law, and to the best of his knowledge and abilities," and shall account to the Provisional Government of Texas, or that Gov- errunent which may succeed it, for all the Provisions, Cloth- . ing, Munitions of War, and supplies of every kind, which he may obtain or may· be placed in his charge for the use and benefit of the regular Army of Texas, and shall give a bond in the sum of thirty thousand dollars, with sufficient sureties for the faithful discharge of his duties. · SF.c. 7. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That the Quarter-master General, shall quarter at or near the head- quarters of the regular Army of Texas, and that to all detachments of the regular Army, intended to act separately for a time, the Quarter-master General shall appoint dep- uty Quarter masters, and issuing Commissaries, who shall arcount to him for the Provisions, Clothing, and other supplies which they may receive for the ~e of said detachments, and shall each give a bond m the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of their duties, respectively, with sufficient s~reties, an~ take an oath "faithfully to execute the duties of their ~£- flee," and the several Regimental Quarter-ma~ters and is- suing Commissaries shall also give bond m the sum of five thousand dollars, with sufficient sureties,
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