Jom, W. MooDY, Sec'ry pro tem. Approved, 18th Dec. 1835.
C. B. STEWART, Sec'ry of Executive.
An Ordinance and .Decree, creating the ojJicc of Commissary General, and regulating tlze ojjices ofPay-master and Quarter-master General. Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordained a11d decreed by the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, That a Commissary General be appointerl for the Aimy of Texas, to give bond and security, .in the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and that the laws and the regulations of the United States of the North, be adopted so far as appli- cable to our Government, for the rules and regulations 'lf said Commissary General's Department, with power to .11p- point deputies who shall give bond and security in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, for the faithful fulfilment of their duties. SEO. 2. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That the Quarter-master General, Pay-master General, and Com- missary General, shall have the same rank and pay as a Colo- nel in the line. SEO. 3. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That the Pay-master General of the regular Army of Texas, sh11ll, before entering upon .the duties of his office, take an oath "faithfully to execute the duties of his office agreeable to law, and to the best of his knowledge a.nd ability," and shall account to the Proyjsional Government of Texas, or that Government which may succeed it, for the money advanced to him, and shall give a bond in the sum of sixty thousand dollars, with sufficient seci1rities for the faithful discharge of his duties. SEC. 4. Be it f1trlher ordained and decreed, &c., That the Pay-master General of the regular Army of Texa,;, shall always quarter at or near the head-quarters of the regular Army, or at such place as the Commander-in- Chief may deem proper, and that to the Corps of Ran- gers and to detachments form the regular army intended
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