SEO. 2. Be it further drdained and decreed, &c., That the arms and equipments of the Legion of Cavalry shall be as fo_Uows, to wit: one half of the Legion of Cavalry to be armed w_ith good double barrel shot guns of the usual length with fhnt locks, the other half with American yaugers, half ounce bore, flint locks and suitable equipments, a broad sword and a brace of substantial horseman's pistols with brass mounted holsters, and shall carry a belt, cartride box, calculated to crary twenty-four cartridges; each trooper shall be equipped with a Spanish saddle with cadet grey housing with two good blankets, a substantial girth and surcingle, a pair oi martin- gales, a bridle with a double rein curb, and a heavy pair of brass spurs. The uniform of the Cavalry shall be a suit of cadet grey cloth coats, yellow bullet buttons, and pantaloons for winter, and two suit of grey cottonade roundabouts and pantaloons for summer, and fur caps, black cloth socks and cowhide boots. SEO. 3. Be it furthe1· ordained and decreed, &c., That a copy of the foregoing Ordinances be immediately forward- ed by the Provisional Government to our Foreign Agents, in- structing them to purchase the necessary arms, equipments, clothing, &c., as is set forth in the foregoing Ordinances and Decrees, and forward the same as early as possiblP. for the immediate use of the Legion of Cavalry. SEO. 4. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That the Legion of Cavalry shall be entitled to the same pay as Cavalry in the service of the United States of the North, and also the same bounty in land as the Auxilliary Corps, to wit: six hundred and forty acres of land. SEO. 5. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That the Lieutenant Colonel Commandant, shall appoint for the Legion of Cavalry his Adjutants, Pay-Master, Quarter-mas- ters, and Quarter-master's Sergeants, Sergeant Majors and Musicians, and that the Governor be and is hereby authorized to issue commissions to such officers as may be appointed by the Lieutenant Colonel Commandant upon receiving a cer- tificate from said officer to that efTect. Passed 18th December, 1835. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C.
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