i7 I'
Approved, 17th Dec. 1835.
Sec'y to Executive.
An Ordinance and .Decreefor creating the 1Jfrmicipality of Sabine, andfor organizing the same. · ~EC. 1. Be ·it ordained and decreed, a11d it i& hereby or- darned and decreed, by the General Council of tlie Provisional Go1:er11111e11t of Texas, 'fhat all that part of the Municipality of San Augustine, bounded as follows: commencing at the junction of the Patroon Bayou with Sabine River, running up said .B:iyou to the Bowden old Place; thence on a straight line to Austin Thompson's, at the intersection of the Nacog- doches aucl San Antonio road with the Pollygauch Creek; thence in a southwesterly direction to the Big Prairie on the Ayish Bayou;thence down the said Ayish Bayou to the mouth of Bear Creek; thence in a south-eastwardly direction to the head of Little Cow .Bayou; thence down said Cow Bayou to its junction with the Sabine River; thence up said river to the beginning, and known by the name of "the Sabine District," shall be and is herehy crr:utcd and made a separate 1Iunici- pality, by the uamc of "Sabine," with all the privileges and immunitiei;: of other )[unicipalities of Texas. SEc. 2. Be it f11rll1er urdai-11ed and .decreed, &c., That Seahourn Jones, William Clark and Benjamin Holt be, and they are hereby, appointed Comm;ssioners to locate a pince for the 8eat of Justice-or Municipal To\\'Tl for said :Municipality of Sabine, where the Jnclges shnll hold their Courts, and where the archives nncl records of the said :Municipality shall be kept; and the said Commissioners nre hereby authorized and required to hold the election for nll :Municipal Officers on or before the first clay of January next, first giving reasonable no- tice of the time and places for holding such elections, and lo administer the oath of office to each Judge and all the Municipal Officers so elected, nnd make report thereof to
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