Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

ment of Te_xa$, That there shall be, and there is hereby, laid and establised, a duty of one dollar and twenty-five cents tonnage on each and every vessel of over ten tons burlhen that may arrive or enter any port, harbor, or within any reve- nue district established in •rexas, coming from foreign ports; which said tonnage duties shall be collected and paid over by the collector or his deputy, agreeably to the provisions of the Ordinance and Decree to which this is u supplement. Be it further ordained a11d decreed, That there shall be, and there is hereby, laid and established a specific duty of twelve and one-half cents per gallon upon all whiskey, American gin, mm and brandy instead of an "ad valorem" duty, as laid by the Ordinance and Decree to which this is a supplement. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, December, 13, 1835. . JAMES. W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C. E. M. PEASE,

. Sec'y of Gen. Council. Approved, Dec. 15, 1835.




Sec'y of Executive,

An Ordinance and Decree increasing the Bounty to Sold- iers ofthe Regular Army. Be it ordained and decreed, and it is liereby ordained and decreed by the General Council of the Provis«mal Government of Tea:ns, 'rhnt all persons entitled to a bounty by the fifth and sixth sections of on Ordinance and Decree to raise a Reg- ular Army, pa,;sed on November the twenty fourth, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, shall be entitled to on additional bountv, over :rnd above the bounty already given, of one hun- dred and sixty acres of land, and twenty-four clollnrs in money -one-half of said (money) twenty-four do1lars to be paid to each soldier upon being mustered at head-quarters of



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