Be it further resoh-ed, That the Governor be requested to · issue his order to the commanding General of the Army of •rexas, to remove his Head-Quarters to the town of Wash- ington until further orders. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 12, 1835. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C. E. M. PEA~E, Sec'y of Gen. Council. Approved, 1'5th Dec., 18:35. \ HENRY SMITH, Governor. Be it Resolved by the General Council of the Proviswnal Gov- ernment of Texas, That the Treasurer is authorized, and it is hereby made his duty, to draw on the Commissioners in New Orleans for the sum of two hundred and seventy dollars, in favor of Juan Jervitt, being the amount of a draft in his favor drawn by Captain P. Dimitt for horses bought for the public service. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 13, 1835. ·JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C. E. M. PEASE, Sec'y of the Gen. Council. Approved, December 13, 1835.
Exective Secretary.
Supplement to an Ordinance and .Decree entitled, "a~ Or- dinance and .Decree establishi"ng and i"mposz"ng .Duties of Imports and tonnage, andfor otherpurposes." Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordained at1d decreed, by the General Council of the Provisional Govern-
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