have long smce determined to submit the whole matter to your decision. The result of this negociation afforded conclusive evidence of Lhe irnpracticabilily of anticipating the wants of Lhe country, by ordinary loans. Some other course was necessary, and the governmen L resolved to issue scrip for land, considering the public domain as the most available and the least objectionable source of public revenue. Accordingly, the agent appoinled in New Orleans, Thomas Toby, Esq., a gentleman who had already made considerable advances on account of the government, and had manifesled a warm sympathy in our behalf, was authorised to issue scrip, lo the amount of five hundred thousand acres of land, to be localed on the public domain of Texas; and to dispose of it, al the established minimum price of fifty cents per acre. He has subsequenlly been empowered to extend his issues to one million of· acres. The finances of the country is a subject of vast importance, and will commend itself to the early and serious attention of congress. The adoption of a plan for a permanent and certain revenue, is in dispensable; and I trust your combined intelligence, will suggest such a system, as will answer the great purposes in tended; and will afford a general satisfaction to your constituents. The principal points to be observed, in drawing contributions from the people, for the support of the government, are equality of burden, and facility and cheapness of collection. Unequal taxation is one of the most odious features of despotism. A number of patriotic citizens have voluntarily executed their bonds for various sums, and tendered them to the government, with a view to relieve the present exigencies of the country. These bonds, amounting in the aggregate to one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, have been transmitted to the agents, Messrs. T. Toby and brother, by the quartermaster general, and a hope is entertained that they will prove a present convenience. Duties on imports and in some cases on exports, constitute a convenient and economical mode of supplying the public necessilies; and are less onerous to individuals, than almost any other impost. They therefore form a part of the financial resources of all countries. The idea of a free international commerce, is a modern improvement, that reflects great credit on Lhe philanthropy of the present age; and it is much to be regretted that the entanglements of ancient institutions and the inveteracy of confirmed habiludes, have prevented its adoption by the principle nations of the earth. While these oppose il, by cordons of custom houses and ponderous codes of revenue laws, it would be vain and
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