It will be seen by the resolution above quoted, that my appointment lo the superintendence of this department was made on the 30th day of October 1835, and in accordance therewith, on the day following advertised in the Telegraph, that bids would be received for carrying the mail on certain routs established by the General Council, therein mentioned; but, as certain and regular mail communications to the boundary line between Texas and the United Stales, so as to have an interchange of mails, was deemed of the greatest importance to the country, express post-riders were precured; which, as the transcript of account of mails sent from San Felipe will show, was commenced by sending one to to San Augustine on the 2nd clay of November following and from the transcript of account of mails received, it will appear that they were regular in their arrivals from and after the 15th clay of that month, until the 25th of March which was only the day previous to the retreat of our army from the Colorado River to San Felipe, where the General Post Office was then localed, and in a few days thereafter doomed to share the fiery fate of its neighbors that a well regulated mail establishment is one of the most important branches of public affairs, and that it cannot be conducted with advantage to the government, or credit to the officer having the control thereof, without the necessary funds, must be very evident ot all; nor can it be otherwise than obvious that it cannot be supported by individual alone. One of the sovereigns of France was advised that previous to a declaration of war three things were necessary, the first was money, the second money, and the third money; & I respectf~1lly suggest to this honorable Congress that the same three things are necessary for the maintenance of this department; which unfortunately for it and peradventure the public, is the only branch of the government which has not had the benefit of this essential article. I have the honor to be very respectfully You humble Servant Jno. R. Jones Post Master-General
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