Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

from this heavy evil renders deeper the wounds inflicted on the honor, the rights, and the interest, of the nation which I have the honor to represent. I embrace this opportunity lo renew lo you, Mr. acting Secretary of State, the assurances of my most distinguished considera I ion. M. E. De Gorosliza. To the Hon. Asbury Dickins, Acting Secretary of State of the United States. [4274) [JONES lo CONGRESS]

Post Office Department Columbia October 1st 1836

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Texas

As it will be expected by your honorable body and the public generally, that all officers in the service of the government will make a showing of the manner in which they have discharged the duties assigned lo them; and as it is moreover required by an ordinance and decree creating the General Post Office Department, passed by the General council on the seventh day of December 1835, and approved by his Excellency Governor Smith, on the twelfth day of the same month, I respectfully offer you mine. In conformity with this duty, a report of the business which had been transacted in the department entrusted to my management was made at Harrisburgh, the then seal of government, of the tenth day of April last, to His Excellency David G. Burnet, President of the Republic, in which was shown, that under the authority vested in me for that purpose fifteen mail routs had been advertised to be let out to the lowest bidders, and that ten, amounting to nine hundred and eighty eight miles, were then under contract for one year only, at an expense of nine thousand four hundred and twenty five dollars: that more than sixteen hundred dollars were then due to the contractors for a faithful performance of their duties as such, and to who I deem it but justice here to say, that as they have received nothing substantial for their punctuality and diligence, they at least merit the commendation of the public whom they have served with so much fidelity. Accompanying this report, was a register or table,



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