Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

TWO O'CLOCK, P. ll. )fr. .Asn .Brigh1im, from the ~InniC'ipality of Brazoria, appeared, prodnC'cd his C'rcdenti,1ls and took his sent. )Ir. A. 1-1. Latimer, from rhc )lunicipality of Pe<·an Point and vicinity, nppc11red. produced his t·rcdcnt:als. 11nd took his sent. )lcssl's. 'l hos. ,I. lfosk, Charles S. Taylor, and John :;. Roberts appe,1rccl, prodnC'cd their credentials, nnd took their se11ts a::: dde- gates elcC't from the )Iunir:pnlity of Nacogdoches. On motion of 1lr. Houston, The Com·ention proceeded to the election of an assistant secre- tary in the pince of Mr. E. M. Pease, who declined to act. Mr. Houston nominated )fr. F. W. Jackson and there being no opposition, the President declared )Ir. Jackson duly elected assist- ant serretary of the Convention. l\Ir. llfen1ird from the )1unicipality of Liberty appeared, pr->- duced his credentials. and took his scat. On motion of 1\lr. ·crawford, Hesoh·ed, Thnt a committee of three be appointed b~-the Presi- dent to superintend the procurement of carriers, to send expresses to the army, with such suitable directions as may be thought neces- sary ·by the Convention. And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the af- firmative; whereupon the President appo:uted ::\Iessrs. Crawford, Lacy, and C'alclwell. said committee. On motion of :i\lr. Potter, The Comention adjourned until to-morrow morning at nine o'clock.

THURSDAY, 1\Lrncn 3rd, 1836.

The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. A. B. Hardin, :from the l\Innicipality of Liberty, appeared, proclnccd h's creclcntinls and took his seat as a member of the Convention. On motion of )fr. Everitt, Reso}v('<l, Th:1t the C'o1wention proceed to ballot for a committee to act as an Executive Committee, till such time as a more perfect Corm of provii:ional go,·ernment may be established; and, after some di~c:ns.~ion, On motion of )fr. Ercritt. The same wns lnicl on the table. On motion of )[r. Everitt, Resoh·cd, That a committee of three be appointed by the Presi- dent of the House, to call upon the late Governor Smith, the late Lieutenant Governor Robinson, and the late acting com'lcil, that they be requested to deliver up to them all documents or papers


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