Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

of self-preservation, therefore, now decrees our eternal political sep- aration. \\'e, therefore, the delegates, with plenary powers, of the people of Texas, in solemn convention asscml,led, appealing to a candid worl<I for the neces!-iLes of our condition, do hereby resolve and cleclan' that our politicul connexion wii.h the :i\fexican nation has foren:•r ended; and that the people of 'fexas do now constitute 11 f rec, srwereiy-n and i11dcpe11de11t He public, and nrc fully invested with all the rights :md attributes which properly belong to inde- pendent nations; and com:cious of the rectitude of our intentions, we fearlessly nm! confidently commit the issue i·o the supreme ar- biter of the destinies of nations. On motion of Mr. Houston, 'l'he report of the committee was received. On motion of l\Ir. Collinsworth, 'l'he Convention resolved itself into a committee of the whole upon the report of the committee on the Declaration of Inde- pendence, Mr. Collinsworth in the chair. And after some time spent therein, on motion of Mr. Houston, The committee rose, and Mr. Collinsworth reported that the committee of the whole had had under consideration the report. of the committee on the Declaration of Independence, and had in- sfructed him to report the same with the following caption: "The unanimous Declaration of Independence made by the Del- egates of the People of Texas, in General Convention at the town of Washington, on the 2nd day of March, 1836." On motion of Mr. Houston, Hesoh·cd, That the Declaration of Independence, reported by the committee of the whole house, be engrO!:::ed nnd signed by the Delegates of the Convention. And the question being taken thereon, it was unanimously adopted. On motion of :Mr. Goodrich, Hcsolved, That five copies of the Declaration of Independence be prepared, and one to he sent forthwith to 13cxar, one to Goliad, one to N acogdochcs, one to 13rnzoria and one to San Felipe. nnd that the printer at S1111 Felipe be requested to print, in hand bill form. for distribution, one thou!'nncl ropiei:. and that n committee of three be appointed to cnrry the ahovc resolution into effect. :\ n<l the question being tak<>n thereon it was decided in the af- firmntivc; whereupon the Prei;iclent appointed Messrs. Goodrich, J>nrmcr lllHl nvrorn snid committee. Mr. Thoi:. 1°:nrnctt. from the Municipality of Austin, appeared, proclnc-rcl his crcclentinli; and took his .::eat. On motion of ~[r. Gooclrich. The Convention adjourned until two o'clock p. m.


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