Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

[4246) [BURNET to MORGAN]

Executive Department Velasco 24 Sept. 1836

To Colonel James Morgan Sir

In my letter of instructions, to you of 22d inst. you are restricted lo IO per cent of intere·st to he allowed in any loan you contract for on account of this government. On further reflection it has occured to me that the important military supplies which you are charged to procure may fail lo be obtained for lack of small matter of interest, to the great detriment of the public. Should you therefore find it impracticable to negociate a loan on the term suggested in my former letter, you are authorized lo extend the rate of interest to twelve and a half per cenlum per annum. You are also authorized to receive any donations or contributions of arms, ammunition, clothing &c. that the liberal friends of human rights, may be disposed to make lo our cause and tender to such donors the warmest thanks of this government.

Your Obt. Sevt David G..Burnet

[4247) [BURNET to TOBY]

Executive Department Velasco 24 Sept 1836

To Thomas Toby Esq Texas Agent Sir

The bearer of this Major W. R. C. Hays, goes to the U S · with a view to introduce emigrants to our new Country and it is the wish of the Government to aid his operations. You will therefore please furnish to Major Hays Script for land, on account of this Government, to the amount of one thousand Acres, which he will dispose of at or over the minimum price.

Your Oht Servt David G Burnet


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