Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

charge shull be with or without paying fees; au<l in Like manner, wh1•c11c1· a deli1Hp1cnt mcrnbcr, taken into custody by a :;pec;uJ rncs- sengt•r, shall, or shall not, be liable to defray the expense of such special messenger. 4-lth. A ser~eaut-at-arms shall be appointed, to hold bis oflice <luring the pleasure of the house, whose duty it shall be to at- tend the house during its sittings; to execute the commands of the house, from lime to time; together with all such process, issued uy authority thereof, as shall be directed to him by the l'rcsidcut. 45th. The fees of the sergeant-at-arms shall be for every arrest the sum of two dollar::,; for each clays' custody, and relc,1sement, one dollar; and for traveli11g expenses for himself, or a special mes- senger, going and returning, one tenth of a dollar per mile. 46th. It shall be the duty of the committee of elections to ex- amine and report upon the certificates of election or other cred- entials of the members returned to serve in this house, and take into their consiclemtion nil such petitions and other matters touch- ing elections and returns, as shall or may be presented or come into question, and be referred to them by the house. •!7th. The several standing committees of the house shall have leaYe to report by bill or otherwise. 48th. No committee !>hall sit during the sitting of the house, without special leave. • 49th. 'l'he clerk of the house shall take an oath for the true · and faithfnl discharge of the duties of his office, to the best of his knowledge and abilities, and shall be deemed to continue in office until another be appointed. ,'>0th. Whenever confidential communications are received by the President of the Convention the house shall be cleared of all per- sons except the members, clerks, sergeant-at-arms, and door-keeper, and so continue during the rending of such communications, and, unless otherwise directed by the house, during nil debates and pro- ceeding;; to he hnd thereon. - And when the President. or nu~· other member, shall inform the house that he hns communication;: to mnke which he conceives ought to be kept secret, the ho11;:e shall, in like manner, be cleared till the comm11nicntion be macle: the home shall then determine whether the matter communicatecl reqnir~s seC'rer.y or not. an<l toke order accordingly. ,il!,t. 'l'hc> l'<.'l'/!<'nnt-at-arms and the door-keeper i<hall be sworn to keep the seC'rets of the house. ,i•!d. :\II q11e;;tion;: relating to the priority of business to be acted on, shall be decided on without debate.


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