ble. But a motion to strike out being lost, shall preclude neither amendment nor a motion to insert and strike out. 32nd. Motions and reports may be committed at the pleasure of the house. 33d. No motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment. 3-Uh. When a motion has once been made and carried in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any member of the majority to move for the reconsideration thereof, on the same, or the succeeding day, and such motion shall take precedence of nil other questions, except a motion to adjourn. 35th. When the rending of a paper is called for, and the same is objected to by any member, it shall be determined by a vote of the house. . 31.ith. The unfinished business in which the house wns engaged at the Inst preceding adjournment shall have the preference in the orders of the clay; and no mQtion on any other business shall be received, without special leave of the house, until the former is disposed of. 3'7th. Petitions, memorials, and other papers, addressed to the house, sliall be presented by the President, or by a member in his place; a brief statement of the contents thereof shall verbally be made by the introducer, and shall not be debated or decided on, 'On the day of their being first read, unless where the house shall direct otherwise, but shall lie on the table, to be taken up in the order they were read. · ~8th. Any fifteen members (including the President, if there be one,) shall be authorised to compel the attendance of absent members. 39th. Upon calls of the house, or in taking the yeas and nays on any question, the names of the members shall be called alpha- ~~~ . 40th. Any member may excuse hin:iself from serving on any committee at the time of his appointment, if he is then a member of two other committees. .... 41st. No member shall absent himself from the service· of the house unless he have leave, or be sick and unable to attend. 42d. Upon the call of the house, the names of the members shall be called over by the clerk, and the absentees noted; after which the names of th_e absentees shall again be called over, the doors shall then be shut, and those for whom no excuse, or suffi- cient excuses are made, may, by order of those present, if fifteen in number, be taken into custody as they appear, or may be sent for and taken into custody, wherever to be found, by special mes- sengers to be appointed for that purpose. 43d. ,vnen n memhc>r ~hnll be cli~chargecl from custody, and ad- mitted to his se11t, the house shal1 determine whether such dis-
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