Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

discourse, nor, whilst a member is speaking, shall pass between him and the chaii;-. 19th. No member shall vote on any question in the event of which he is immediately and particularly interested, or in any case where he was not present when the question was put. 20th. Upon a division and count of the House on any question, no member without the bar shall be counted. 21st. Every member who shall be in the house when the ques- tion is put, shall give his vote, unless the House, for special reasons, shall excuse him. 22nd. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be .stated by the President; or, being in writing, it shall be handed to the chair, and read aloud by ihe clerk before debated. 23d. Every motion shall be reduced to writing, if the President or any member desire it. 24th. After a motion is stated by the President, or read by the clerk, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the house, but may be withdrawn at any time before a decision or amendment. 25th. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be re- ceived but to adjourn, to lie on the table, for the previous ques- tion, to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or amend, to post- pone indefinitely; which several motions shall have preference ia the order in which they are arranged; and no motion to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to postpone indefinitely, being de- cided, shall be again allowed on the same day, and at the i.:amP. stage of the bill or proposition. A motion to strike out the enact- ing words of a bill, shall have precedence of a motion tc amend, and, if carried, shall be considered equivalent to its rejection. 26th. When a resolution shall be offered, or a motion made, to refer any subject, and different committees shall be proposed, the question shall be taken in the following order:-The committee of the whole house on the state of Texas; the committee of the whole house; a standing committee; a select committee. 27th. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order; that, and the motion to lie on the table, shall be decided without debate. 28th. The previous question shall be in this form: "Shall the main question now be put?" It shall only be admitted when de- manded by a major;ty of the members present; and until it is de- cided, shall preclude all amendment, and further debate of the main question. 29th. On a previous question there shall" be no debate. 30th. W11en a question is postponed indefinitely, the same shall not be acted upon again during the session. 31st. Any member may call for the divi!'ion of a question, which shall be divided if it comprehends questions so distinct that, on being taken away, the rest may stand entire for the decisio~ o! ~~:? house: A motion to strike out and insert, shall be deemed mdms1-


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