when there shall not be such a majority on the first ballot, the bollot shall be repented until a mnjor;ty be obtained. 9th. In all coses of ballot by the house, the President shall vote: in other cases he shall not vote, unless the house be equally divided, or unless his vote, if given to the minority, will make the division equnl; ond in cose of such equal division, the question shull be lost. 10th. In oll coses, where other than members of this house mny be eligible to an office by the election of the house, there shaU be a previous nominotion. 11th. All acts, addresses, and joint resolutions, shall be signed by the President; und all writs, warrants, and subpoenas, issued by order of the house, shall be under his hand und seal, attested by the clerk. 12th. In case of any disturbonce or disorderly conduct -in the galleries or lobby, the President (or chairman of the whole house,) shall hove power to order the same to be cleared. . Of .Decorum and Debate. 13th. When any member is about to speak in debate, or deliver any matter to the house, he shall rise from hfa seat, and respect- fully address himself to ''lifr. President," and shall confine himself to the question under debate, and avoid personality. 14th. If any member in speaking, or otherwise, transgress the rules of the house, the President shall, or any member may, call him to order; in which case the member so called to order shall immediately set down, unless permitted to explain, and the house shall, if appealed to, decide on the case, but. without debate; if there be no appeol, the decision of the chair shall be submitted to. If the decision be in fnyor of the member called to order, he shall be ot liberty to proceed; if otherwise, he shall not be permitted to proceed, without leove of the house; and if the case require it, he shall he liable to the censure of the house. 15th. When two or more members happen to rise nt once, the presid~nt is to name the member who is first to speak. 16th. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question, without leave of the house, nor more than once, until eYery member choosing to speak shall have spoken. 17th. If a question depending be lost by adjournment of the house, ond revived on the succeeding day, no member who shall have spoken twice on the preceding day, shall be permitted again to speak without leave. 18th. Whilst the President is putting any question, or nc1aress- ing the house, none shall walk out of, or across the house; nor, in such cose, or when a member is speaking, shall entertain private
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