?lfr. Parmer offered the following as an amendment: Resolt·ed, 'fhnt the President appoint one delegate from each municipality a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence, And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. The question recurring upon Mr. Childress' resolution, it was decided in the :1ffirmative; whereupon the President appointed Messrs. Childres~, Gaines, Conrad, McKinney and Hardeman, said committee. On motion of Mr. Gazlev, Resolt-ed, '!'hut the President appoint a committee of five, to draft rules for the order and government of the Convention, · And the que$tion being taken thereon, it was decided in the nffirnrnti\'e: whereupon the President appointed l\Iessrs. Gazdy, Ifonston, Potter, Collingsworth and Everett, said committee. On motion of Mr. Everett, Resollled, That the President appoint a committee of three on privileges and elections. And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the affirmative; whereupon the President appointed Messrs. Everett, Stewart nnd Coleman, said committee. On motion of Mr. Parmer, Resolt•ed, That the President appoint a committee of three to wait. upon Governor Henry Smith, and Li1:mtenant Governor Rob- ertson, and Council, and notify them of the formation of the Con- vention. And the question being tnken thereon, it was decided in the affirmative; whereupon the President appointed Messrs. Parmer, Houston, and Coleman, said committee. On motion of Mr. Houston, The Convention adjourned until to-morrow morning at nine o'clock.
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Gazley, chairman of the committee appointed to draft rules for the order and government of the Convention, made the follow- ing report.
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