Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

Frolll the municipality of Colorndo, 11'-illiam D. Lacy and Wil- liam Mcwifee; and On lll<)tion of Mr. Parmer, 'J'he report was re>ccivecl and ngreed to. 011 motion of l\fr. Pottc:r, Htsol1•ed, '!'hat the Convention proceed to the election of a Presi- cknt of their bodv. The question l)eing taken it was agreed to. Mr. Everett nomi- nated 1\rr. Ellis, and there being no opposition, l\Ir. Ellis was de- clared unanimously elected President of the Convention, who was conducted to the chair by Messrs. Collingsworth and Everett; whereupon the President a<ldressed the Convention at some length on the importance of their duties. On motion of ~fr. Collingsworth, The Convention procec:dcd to the election of a Secretary to their bollv. J\h. Colling~worth nominated l'vfr. W. A. Faris; :Mr. West nomi- nated Mr. E. M. Peaae; ~fr. Lr.grand nominated Mr. H. S. Kim- ball. The President appointed Messrs. Everett and Childress tellers, apd the votes heing tuken, the tellers reported, that Mr. W. A. Faris received ten votes; l\fr. E. 1\I. Pease received seven vote>!!: Mr. S. H. Kemball received twenty-four votes, where- upon the President declared Mr. Kemhall duly elected Secretary to the Convention, who was conducted to the Secretary's tnble by Mesflrs. Everett :rnd Childress. On motion of Mr. Potter, 'fhe ConYention proceeded to the election of a Sergeant-at- Arms. ~[r. Potter nominaterl lfr. Isham Parmer, and there being no opposition, the President declared Mr. Parmer duly elected Scr- ge>ani-al-s\ rms of the Convent:on. On moticn of l\fr. Potter, 'rhe Con\'ention proceeded to the election of a Door-Keeper. ?lfr. Potter nominated ~fr. John A. Hizer, nnd there being" no opposition, the President declnred Mr. Hizer duly elected Door- Keeper of the Convention. On, motion of ?!fr. Goodrich. 'l'he Con\'ention proceerlc>cl to the election of an assistant Secre- tary nnd an ,mgro»sing Clerk. :M:r. Bunton nominnfrcl Mr. Pense for a!'.<.:istant Secretary, and 1\lr. Goooric·h no1hinaterl Mr. Snnl for cng-rossing Clerk, nncl there being no oppo!>ilion. the President declnred them both duly elected. On motion of )rr. Chilrlre~s. Resolt>ed. That the Prrsiclent nppoint a committee of five to draft n Declaration of Jnrlcpendence.


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