Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

The question being tahn thereon, it wus decided in the affirm- ative. Whereupon the Chair appointed Messrs. Parmer, Everett and Childrc!;s. and On motion of Mr. Hous_ton, :Mr. Zavala was addcrl to said committee. On motiC'ln of ~1 r. 1.1 om ton, The Co11vention adjourned until two o'clock.


'l'he Convention met pursuant to adjournment. The committeP. nppo:nted to examine and report upon the cre- dential!' of the dclel?ates elect, through their chairman, Mr. Par- mer made the following Report, to wit: From the municiiuility of ,\mtin, Thomas Barnell and Charles J;. Stewart. From the municipality of Urazoria, Edwin Waller, James Col- li11gswor/h. 1rnd John S. D. Byron. From the munieipality of Washington, Benjamin Briggs Good-, G. ll'. 1Jar11ell, James S. Swesher and Jesse Grimes. From the muuieipnlii.y of Mina, .T. lV. B-unton, Thomas J.Gaz- ley and R. M. Coleman. From the munic:ipality of Gonzales, Jllnthew Caldwell and John Fisher. } 'rom tlle municipnlity of Milam, Sterling C. Robertson and Oenrge 0. Cdildress. From the munir.ipality of NacC'lg<loche.s, Robert Potter. From 1hr muniripnlity of San Augustine, Martin Panner, S. W. Hlomrl :rnc1 B. 0. Legrand. From the municipality of Sabine, William Glark, ,Tr., and James Gaines. From the municipality of Harrisburg, Lorenza de Zarala. From the municipnlity nf ,Jasper, Stephen Jf. Everett and George JV. Smith. . From the municipalit~· of ~fntagorda. Haily Hardeman. From the municipality of Jackson, Elijah Stepp. From the munic:ipnlity of Shelby, Sidney 0. Penington and Wil- liam. G. 0-rau:forrl. From the municipality of ,Jeffer;,on, Claiborne l,\,'est and Wi lliam B. Scates. From the munieipality of T?efugio, ,Tames Power, Sa.m11el }lous- lrm, /)arid Thoma.~ and Ed1rnrd Cnnrn.d. From thr municipality of (foliarl, Jl'illinm Mottley. From the municiprility of Sun Patricio, .John Turner. From the municipality of Bejar, Fra.f1ci;;co I'.11is 1 A 11tonio N n- t•arro and J. B. Rad.'}.f!etl. From the n111niripnlity of Peean Point and vicinity, Robert Ham- iltn11, Rirltard EI/is nnd Collin Jfc /( iwnr.y.


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