John A. Wharton, Snm Houston, Chnrles Wilson, J nmes Hodges, John Bevil, Alex. Thompson, D. C. Barrett, J. Burnam, A. Horton, Dan'l Parker, John S. D. Byrom, A.G. Perry, C. C. Dyer, J. D. Clements, James W. Parker, G. W. Davis, A. E. C. Johnson, Martin Parmer, S. H. Everitt, Philip Coe, Clniborne West, J. S. Lester, Joseph L. Hood, Asa Hoxy, Asa Mitchell, R. )f. Williamson, A. Houston,
John W. Moore, Samuel T. Allen, James W. Robinson, Jesse Grimes, Wyly Martin, David B. Macomb, E. Collard, M. W. Smith, William Menifee, William N. Sigler, William W. Arrington, Willinm S. Fisher, J. G. W. Pierson, R. Jones, Lorenzo de Zavala, Edwin Wnller, Willinm P. Harris, William Whitaker, Albert G. Kellogg, George M. Patrick, R. R. Royall, Benjnmin Fuqua, Wyatt Hanks, Henry Millard,
A. B. Hardin, H~nry Smith,
P. B. DEXTER, Buretary.
On motion, the house adjourned to nine o'clock to-morrow.
SAN FELIPE DE AUSTIN, Nov. 14, 1835. l Nine o'clock, A. M. f
The house met pursuant to adjournment. The journal of yesterday's proceedings was read. On motion of Mr. Wharton, Mr. Wood's resolution was struck from the journal, together with the proceedings had thereon. M:r. C. We._qt was sworn as a member of the general council, from the jurisdiction of Jefferson. On motion of Mr. Johnson, Resol-ved, Thnt the consultation of nll Texas in general convention as- ee:mhled, recommend to the nrmy of the people to abnndon the proposed eeige of San Antonio, and that they fall back upon La Bahia and Gon- zales, nnd place themselves in a condition of i:afety, by leaving a suffi- cient number of men, and the balance of the army be furloughed to their homes, to join the army by the first of March, or so soon as the emergen- cies of the country may require. ·wnich was refused to be considered by the house. On motion of Mr. Robinson, Resnlverl, Thnt the thanks of this body be given to the president of thi conv<.'ni"ion for the ab1e and dignified mnnner he has discharged the ardt ous duties of presiding over this body.
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