Jl//Jmicipality of S<m Augustine: A. Houston, William N. Sigler, .A. E. C. Johnsoll, A. Horton, A. G. Kellogg. ilfuni"cij,ality of 1Jrina: D. C. Barrett, J. S. Lester, .R. M. Williamson.
Munictj,ality of Jlfatagorda:
R. R. Royal, Chas.. Wilson.
1Yimtictj,ality of Bevil:
S. H. Everitt, John Be'\"il, Wyatt Hanks.
1Jtftmicipality of Viesca: Saml. T . .Allen, A. G. Perry, J. G. W. Pierson, Alexander 'li'hompsonr Jas. W. Parker. 1YI111nicipaJity o fJeffers 011,: Claiborne West. P. B. DEXTER, Secretary. On motion of Mr. John A. Wharton, Resolved, That the thanks of the chosen delegates of all Texas, in gen- eral convention assembled, be tendered to Capt. John M. Collingsworth, and his associates in arms, for their gallant and patriotic conduct in tak- ing Goliad, and that the secretary furnish them with o. copy of the same; which was unanimously adopted. . 'rhe following persons were appointed, under the 14th section of the' organic law, a.CJ commisRioners for the department of Bexar, viz: Messrs.. Kerr, Sutherland, Linn and Williamson. ' On motion of Mr. Wharton, it was ReS()lt,ed, That the governor and council be empowered to issue writs of election to fill the vacancies that may occur in this body, and for the representation of those jurisdictions not yet represented, or to· cause a new election in toto for delegates to the convention of the first of March next. . On motion, the salaries of the officers of the provisional government were fixed: goveinor, fifteen hundred dollars; lieutenant governor, twelve hundred and fifty dollars; members of council, per diem, three dollars, and three dollars for every twenty-five miles travel, from and to their place of residence; 1,1ecretary of convention, six dollars; door-keeper, two dollars. On motion of Mr. A. Houston, it was Rr.snlved, 'l'hat the members of this convention take a certificate from the secretary of the time of their services and the distance of travelling.
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