and proceed to elect one captain, one first lieutenant, and one secon<l lieutennnt, to every fifty-six men. ART. 12. When said election shall have taken place, the judges shall certify to the governor forthwith, the names of the respective officers elected, who shall as ::oon as practicable mnke out and sign, and trans- mit commissions for the same; thnt if there shall be found to exist in any municipality, more than three companies, the captain or commandants, on giving due notice thereof, shnll call together the subalterns of said companies and proceed to elect one mnjor, if of four companies; one lientenant colonel, if of five or more compnnies; one colonel for the command of snid companies, which shall constitute a regiment of said municipality; that if there shall be found to exist more than one regi- ment in said municipality, the whole number of field and company offi- cers shall, on due notice, proceed to elect a brigadier general out of their number, who shall command the whole militia in the said municipality. · BRANCH TURNER ARCHER, Pres-ident. Municipality ofAustin: Wyly Martin, R. Jonei;, Jesse Burnam, William Menifee. Municipality of Nacogdoches: Sam. Houston, James W. Robinson, William Whitaker, Daniel Parker, William N. Sigler. Municipality of Waslzington: Philip Coe, E. Collard, Jesse Grimes, Asa M.itchell, Asa Hoxey. Mtmicipalt'ty of Harrisburg: Lorenzo de Zavala, C. C. Dyer, John W. Moore, M. W. Smith, David B. Macomb. Municij,aHty of Liberty: George ?i-L Patrick, Wm. P. Harris, Henry Millard, J. B. Woods, A. B. Mmzicij,ality of Gonzalez: Wm: S. Fii,her, J. D. Clements, Geo. W. Davis, James Hodges, William W. Arrington, Benjamin Faqua. Munictpality of Tenehaw: Martin Parmer. Municzpal£ty oj Columbia: Henry Smith, John A. Wharton, Edwin Waller, John S. D. Byroill.
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