Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

ART!CLE XX. All monies now due, or that may hereafter become due, on lunds lying within the limits of Texas, and all public funds or revenues, shall be at the disposal of the governor and general council, and the receipt of the treasurer shall be a sufficient voucher for any and all persons who may pay monies into the treasury; and the governor and council shall have power to adopt a system of revenue to meet the exigencies of the state. AR'fICLE XXI. Ample power and authority shall be delegated, and are hereby given and delegated to the governor und general council of the provisional gov- ernment of all Texas, to carry into full effect the provisions and resolu- tions adopted by the consultation of the chosen delegates of all Texas, in general convention assembled, for the creation, establishment, anJ regulation of the said provisional government. OF THE :MILITARY. ARTICLE 1. There shall be a regular army created for the protection of Texas during the present war. AnT. 2. The regular army of Texas shall consist of one major general, who shall be commander in chief of all the forces called into public ser- vice during the war. .ART. 3. The commander-in-chief of the regular army of Texas shall be appointed by the convention and commissioned by the governor. An-r. 4. He shall be subject to the orders of the governor and council. AnT. 5. His staff shall consist of one adjutant genernl, one inspector general, one quartermaster general, one paymaster general, one surgeon general, and four aids-de-camp, with their respective ranks as in the United States army, in time of war to be appointed by the major general and commissioned by the governor. AnT. 6. The regular army of Texas shall consist of men enlisted for two years, and volunteers for and during the continuance of the war. AnT. 7. The regular army of Texas, while in the service, shall be gov- erned by the rules, regulations and discipline in all respects applicable to the regular army of the United States of America, in time of war, ~o far as is applicable to our condition and circumstances. AnT. 8. The regular army of Texas shall consist of eleven hundred and twenty men, rank and file. ART. 9. There shall be a corps of rangers under the command of a major, to consist of one hundred and fifty men, to be divided into three or more detachments, and which shall compose a battalion under the commander-in-chief. when in the field. ART. 10. The militia of Texns shall be organized as follows: all able bodied men, over sixteen, and under fifty years of age. shall be subject to militia duty. ART. 11. Every inhabitant of Texas coming within purv,iew of the preceding article shall, on the third MondRy of December next. or as soon thereafter as practicable, assemblr. nt each prerinct of their municipality.


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