Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

ARTICLE IX. All commissions to officers shall be in the name of the people "free and sovereign," and signed by the governor and secretary; and all pardons and remissions of tines granted, shall be signed in the same manner. ARTICLE X. Every officer and member of the provisional government, before enter- ing upon the duties of his office, sh11ll take and subscribe the following oath of office: "1, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the reµublican principles of the constitution of .Mexico of 1824, and ob-:!V the declarations and ordinances of "the consultation of the chosen dele- gates of all Texas in general convent.ion assembled," and the ordinanceil and decrees of the provisional government; and I will faithfully perform and execute the duties of my office, agreeably to law, to the best of my abilities, so help me God." ARTICLE XI. On charges and specifications being made against any officer of the provisional government for malfeasance or misconduct in office, and presented to the governor and council, a fair and impartial trial shall be granted, to be conducted before the general council; and if, in the opinion of two-thirds of the members, cause sufficient be shown, he shall be di.smigsed from oflice by the governor. ARTICLE XII. The governor and council shall organize and enter upon their duties .immediately after the adjournment of this house, and hold their sessions at such times and places as in their opinion will give the most enen~r and effect to the objects of the people, and to the performance of thu duties assigned to them. ARTICLE XIII. The general council shall appoint a treasurer, whose duties shall be clearly defined by them, and who shall give approved security for his faithful performance. ARTICLE XIV. That all land commissioners, empresarios, surveyors, or persons in any- wise concerned in the location of lands, be ordered forthwith to cease their operation during the agitated and unsettled state of the country, and continue to desist from further locations until the land office can be properly systematized by the proper authoritiy, which may hereafter be established; that fit and suitable persons be appointed to take charge vf all the archives belonging to the different land offices, and deposit. the sume in safe places, secure from the rnvnges of fire. or the devnstation •)f enemies; and that the persons so appointed be folly authorized to carrv

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