On motion of Mr. Mitchell, Robert Peebles was appointed a commis- shmer under t.he fourteenth :iection of the act providing for a govern- . ment, called the '·provisionnl government," in the place of Mr. John A. Wharton. un motion of l\fr. S. Houston, the house took up the ordinances estab- lishing a provional government for Texas; whereupon, after several amendments were made, it was, on motion of Mr. Macomb, adopted. On motion, .Messrs. Barrett, Kellogg and Allen, were appointed a com- mittee of enrollment, and were permitted to retire with the secretary to enroll the ordinance just adopted by this convention. On motion, the house ndjourned to six o'clock this evening, to obtain the signatures of the members to the ordinance just past establishing a provisional government; also to receive and sign the declaration, pre- pared on a resolution from this house, passed the eleventh instant, re- specting the "Cherokee Indians and their associate bands." The house met pursuant to adjournment. On motion, the members were called to sign the ordinance "establish- ing a provisional government" by municipalities. The following is the ordinance thus signed by every member present: CONVENTION HALL, SAN FELIPE DE AUSTIN, l November 13th, 1835. f To the honorable the consultation of the chosen delegates of all Texas, in general convention assembled- · Your committee of three to whom was committed the charge of enroll- ing the plan and powers of the provisional government of Texas, as finally adopted by this house, respectfully submit the following for your consid- eration and adoption: . D. C. BARRETT, Chairman. A. G. KELLOGG, S. T. ALLEN. "ARTICLE I. That there shall be and there is hereby created, a provisional govern- ment for ·re:xas; which shall consist of a governor, a lieutenant governor 1md a council, to be elected from this body; one member from each mu- nicipality, by the majority of ench separate delegation present, and the governor and lieutenant governor shall be elected by this body. SIX O'CLOCK, P. lt. ARTICLE II. The lieutenant governor shall be president of the council, and perform the duties of governor in case of death, absence or from other inability of the governor, during which time II president "pro tern." shall be ap- pointed, to perform the duties of the lieutenant governor in counril.
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