prompt and vvlm~tary offer, to place their l~nds and other property at the d1~pos,1l, of_ tlus house, to be used as surctws for raising funds in aid ~f th~u· sul)c~'lll~ cout!lry, at, war with the enemies of their rights and liberties; l'CJ01ce m seemg such noble acts recorded with the procecdin"S of this body, in such time of difficulty and danger, and rccommen/'a letter of thunk;,:, expre~i::ive of ihe grateful sense of this house, for offers so benevolent and liberal, and that this house accept their several offers, to be u:;;ecl only when imperiously demun<lccl in the most extreme emer- gency. Your committee, before dosing thcil' report, would respectfully call the attention of this house to the anuy now in the field. This force is com- pose_d of volunteers from every rank of citizen.<:: in the country, whose services generally commenced before the assembling of this house, and as their movements ha\'e hitherto been rerrulated by officers of their own choice, no obligation can be imposed upiu them to submit to the control of the provisional government; arlvi:::on• communications are nil that can be made to them, nevertheless. YOU!' committee recommends that everv honorable inducement should be· held out for their continuance in their country's service, at any rate until a 1·egular army be ready to take the ficl<l, and should .Bexar so lcmg hold out against their efforts. Already have this house passed resolutions for their incliviclual compr.nsation, when the re':'omccs <>f the country will permit. 'rhe land offices have been clc~cd, thnt. no a,hantagc should be taken over the soldier in the field in making his selection of lands; the gratitude of this body, as the repre- sentatives of ihe people of all 'l'exas, has been twice expressed and entered upon the journals of the house, and e,·ery effort u~ed to afford supplies of ammunition and provisions within the power of the late council_. and of this body: these efforts we recommend to be continued, and that this house recommend the membcrg of the army to elect such officers as are wanting, and that all the officers report themselves to the governor and council for commissions; that their respective mnks be known of record for purpose:i, obviously necessary for their future compensation, and that of the soldiers under them, who may receive discharges from their re- spective officers, that they may be fully known when n grateful country shall be able to exnress her thanks in bounties more substantial than mere words. Your committee recommend that the army be encouraged to persevere, with the assurance that every exertion will be used by the pro- visional government, to aid, comfort and support it which it has within its power, and will co-operate in forwarding its operations. Your committee would suggest, that much encouragement is afforded for perseverance in military operations, from the unsettled state of the Mexican government. The apprehension of resistance from the citizens of the republic, is admitted in a late report of a committee of congress, contained in their plan of a form of ::rovernment, intended to be enforced upon the people by the exertion of rnilitar~• power, against their consent. This disposition 'will prevent the u.rnrpcr, Santa Anna, from reinforcjng the troops now arrayed agaimt Texas; and gives hopes of n co-operation of our Mcxicnn hretlnen, in the f!lorious came of liberty and the constitu- tion, in which Texas has set the noble example. D. 0. 'BARRE'l'T, Glia.innan of the Commillee. Gommillcc P.nnm, Nov. 13th, 1838.
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