Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

amendment offered by Mr. Barrett, "That the archive.c; of the different municipal officers and judges be handed o,·er to their se,·eral successors, nnd that the papers and archives of the political chiefs of the depart- ments of Brazos and Nacogdoches, be forthwiLh transmitted to the gov- ernor and council for their disposal; was, on motion of Mr. S. Houston, adopted. Mr. M. W. Smith offered a resolution, having for its object a modifica- tion of the fourteenth section, as far as that section relates to laud of- fices, as follows, which was rejected: The ayuntumiento's of jurisdictions wherein there may be land offices established, shall take charge of the papers of the same, and the same safely keep, during the effect of what is heretofore provided, and report the1·eon to the governor and council. On motion of i\Ir. Waller; whereas, the late jurisdiction of Brazoria was changed in name, to that of Columbia, and the seat of justice removed to the town of Columbia, by the congress of Coahuila and Texas, contrary to the wishes. inclinations and interests of a large majority of the citizens of that jurisdiction; therefore, Be it resolved, That the name of the said jurisdiction be changed, and hereafter called and known by its former name, and the seat of justice es- tablished in the town of Brazoria. Which resolution was adopted. On mot.ion of l\Ir. Whitaker, the consultation will refuse, hereafter, any matter which the governor and council can act upon. 'fhe following persons were appointed commissieners under the four- teenth section, to take in charge, examine and safely keep the papers and documents relating to the land offices: Department of Brazos, Messrs. Mitchell, Wharton, Dyer. Department of Nacogdoches, Messrs. A. E. C. Johnson, S. H. Everitt, J . Leple~ser. The house, on motion, adjourned to eig_ht o'clock this evening.


The house met pursuant to adjournment. 1',fr. Barrett. to whom had been referred certain letters, reported pro- gress, nnd asked, and harl leave to sit again. On motion of Mr. Waller, Resolved, 'I'hat an express be forthwith sent to the army, requesting the members elect, as r.ommissioners to represent us in the Fnited States of North America, W. H. Wharton and S. F. Aus- tin, to repair immediately to this place.for the purpose of accepting their commii::sions. Whic-h wns ngrecf! to. Mr. Hanks was appointed to cnrry nn express to the anny. On motion of '!\fr. S. Houston, Resol1•ed, by the consultation of the cho!'en delegntes of all Texas, in general convention assembled. That the thanks of this body be returned to the army of the people, for their perse- verance, 'firmness, patriotism and courage in defending the liberties of Texas, and in rei::isting the encroachments of despoti:•m; nnd that the president cause a copy of the foregoing resolution to be communicated to the annv. On motion of Mr. W. Smith, the house adjourned until eight o'cloC'k to-morro,v morning.


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