house for the evidence just given of their confidence in his patriotism and abilities. On motion of Mr. A. Houston, Resolved, '!'hat iluee commissioners appointed by this body, as agents of the United States of North America, to be commissioned by the governor and council; who shall delegate them such powers, and give them such instructions, as the governor and council may deem expedient. Which was adopted. The rule: in this case being suspended, Messrs. B. T. Archer, W. H. Wharton and S. F. Austin, were duly elected commissioners under the foregoing re8olution. The president in a very appropriate address tendered to the house his acknowledgements for this additional evidence of their confidence in his zeal, talents and integrity. He then communicated to the house several letters from the army and from the United States. Mr. Barrett, at the request of the president, (the lobbies being closed,) read a letter addressed to him by General S. F. Austin. And on motion of Mr. Barrett, the several letters were referred to a special committee of five, with instructions to report to the house as soon as possible. Which was concurred in; whereupon, .Messrs. Barrett, A. Housto'l, Martin, Macomb and Williamson, were appointed that committee. Mr. Zavala was then added to the committee. On motion, the house adjourned to half past two o'clock, P. M. HALF PAST TWO O'CLOCK, P. M. The house met pursuant to adjournment; leave of absence was granted to Mr. Augustine, for the remainder of the session. On motion of Mr. Perry, the house proceeded to the election for the members of the general council; when it appeared that the following per- sons were c1uly electec1 members of the general council, for their respect- · ive municipalities, as follows: From the municipality of San Augustine, A. Houston. " Ausiin. Wm. Menifee. " Nacogcloches, Dan'] Parker. " Washington, Jesse Grimes. " Viescn, .1\. (J. Perry. " ~finn, D. C. llnrrctt. " Liberty, llent·)· i\fillnrd. " Tenehaw, l\lartin Parmer. " Gonzales~ J. D. Cle1ncnts. " Mntag-orda , R. R. Royal. " Harrisburg, W. P. liarris. " Columbia, E. Wnller. " ]~evil, \Y. I-Innk~. The oath oi office was then nclmini~terecl by the president of the con- sultation to ·the officers of the provisional government. . Whereupon, the convention acljournetl for fifteen minutes, to afford ~n opportunity to the governor and c·ounc:il to organize. The house again met after the expiration of the timr. for which ·they had adjourned. 'fhe substitute for the fourteenth section of the civil clepartment nf the provisional government, offerec1 hy Mr. Perry, was rejected. The
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