Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

was wanted out & they expected lo dispatch her about this time- We expect Mr Williams is now in New York, & will be able to raise funds to dispatch the Invincible (Oct 2) We notice all you say about dispatching Volunteers. We agree with you these 3 mo ones, are like Leeches, still wc are of opinion they would be wanted, ere this from the reports & publications in Mexico, some three months ago-The public papers and Government papers always speak of large preparations, but all ends in Smoke- We have received a leLter from Brig Genl Hunt asking permission to draw on us for 20 or 30,000$ if necessary which we replied to, giving him the statement of affairs & the probability that we should not be able lo meet his drafts, if drawn on us for want of Government funds-We shall do all in our power to forward troops, as fast as they appear, but for 12 mo or during the war. Lieut Irvine left us in the Congress with about 40 men he has raised here. We have advanced him about one third of the amount as authorized in your letter. Mr Legrand left this morning for Arkansas, we paid him the amount requisite for his mission, say twelve hundred dollars, agreeably to you instructions still, we had to do it, out of our own means and in fact all that has been disbursed, for some time past. The Scrip forwarded you pr Flash we hope is at hand. We only had 500 Certificates printed, say whether you wish any more-We have forwarded lo Philadelphia a further Quantity under the authorization, of the first 500,000 acres. Mr Handy has presented your letter, under the date 13th Inst-We at first agreed lo fill up for him scrip to the amount of One hundred thousand acres, agreeably to you instructions. We find for an act of this kind we shall require the approval of the Secy. State, or others of the Cabinet, and have stated this to Mr Handy & so soon as we are duly authorized, we have promised to forward the Scrip to him at Philadelphia, as it would be useless for him lo remain here, until the power arrives. In the mean time he can make arrangements for its disposition.-!Vlr. S. Williams was authorized by us, that in the event of any sales Scrip, the first disposition of the funds was lo be applied to the purchase of Clothing & provisions & forwarded to this place for reshipment a/c order.


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