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army, and ~he same number to the pr.incipal cities in the United States, and to furmsh each member with a paper during the session of this body; an~ that the expenses of the same be paid by the public, at subscription prices. Ordered to lie on the table one clay. 'I'he house, on motion of .M. W. Smith, adjourned to nine o'clock to- morrow morning. SAN FELIPE DE AUSTIN, 12th Nov. 1835. l Nin6 o'clock 11. M. f The house met pursuant to adjournment. 'I'he journals of proceedings of yesterday were read. The resolution offered yesterday, by Mr. Barrett, respecting the sub- scription to the Telegraph and Texas Register, was called up, and, on motion of Mr. ·wharton, was laid on the table until to-morrow. The president communicated to the house certain propositions from M. B. Lamar, of Columbus, Georgia; which were laid on the table. l\fr. Wharton asked and obtained leave to read to the house a letter addressed to the president of the consultation; which was laid on the table. 1-Jr. iiacomb offered the following: Resolved_. That the major general of the army, under the direction of the governor and council, be required to put in a state of immediate defence, against the incursions oi the enemy, the posts of Galve.ston Bay, Velasco, and Matagorda Bay. Which was ordered to lie on the table. :Mr. Perry proposed a substitute for that clause of the fourteenth sec- tion relating to land offices in the plan for a provisional government. Which was laid on the tablt? until two o'clock P. M. On motion of l\fr. Everitt, the house went into an election for officers for the provisional government. The rule, in this cMe, being suspended, . Mr. Everitt nominated for lieutenant governor, J. W. Robmson. When there appeared for Henry Smith, for governor, 31 For S. F. Austin. " . 22 For J. W. Hobinsou, lieut. do. 52 Whereupon Mr. Henry Smith was declared duly elected governor, and J. "\V. Robinson, lieutenant governor. Mr. S. Houston asked and obtained leave to read a letter from an officer in the army. • On motion of ~fr. Wharton the house adjourned for fifteen minutes. The house again met at t1i'e expiration of the time for which it ad- journed. . When, on motion of :Mr. Everitt, they went into an election for major general. 'J'he rule. in thii:; c-Me. being-1mspendecl, On motion of 1\L W. Smith, S. Houston was elect~d mnjor g-eneral of the armie!I of Texn.s. "rherenpon, Gencrnl Houston, in on eloquent address. thanked the Mr. Martin nomfoated for governor, S. F. Austin. Mr. Parmer nominateil for governor, Henry Smith.
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