The eleventh section was read, amenclerl nnd adopted. The twelfth section was read, amended and adopted.
~lr. S. Houston, from the select commit.tee of three, to whom was re- ferred our rel.1tions with the Cherohe l11di1ms and thei1· associate bands, made report. On motion of :Mr. Barrett, it was received and adopted. 1\lr. S. Houston moved it~ recommitment, thal a declarntion may be drawn up, as recommemled in the report, to be signed by the members of this con.,ultntion. :Mr. Hnnks from the committee to whom was referred the resolution haYing for its object an in\·ilalion to the settlers on Heel Hiver to join in our declamiiou of the 7th November, made the following report, which w11:c: mul, amended and adopted, a:; follows, viz: The committee to whom was referred the matter in regard to a portion of our settlers on Red Hi,·er, within the limits of Texas, as also of that portion of 'l'exas not represented in thi,<; convention, REPORT: That as the settlement on Red River is remote from the other settle- ments in Texas, that they be formed into a separate municipality, and that they be invited to send delegates to this convention, which is to meet ·on the first <la}' of March next, and that they elect immediately, and send .a member to the council of Texas. .::\nrl further recommend, that they co-operate with the governor and council, and that they fortJrn;th raise and send into the field, in defence of their rights, a rearnnable proportion of men. And that the people in the depnrtment of Be.xnr. and all other parts of Texas, not represented in this body, he invited forthwith to send delegates to the council, and also to the convention, to sit on the first day of :March next. And th;1t all parts of Texas that haYe not rai.<;ed troops, and sent them to the aid ·of their countrymen, that they be immediately requested to do so. On motion of Mr. Parmer. Resolved, That the district of 'fenehaw be set off into a municipality, and that the town of Nai;hville be their seat of justice. Resoll'ed, That there be an ayuntimiento elected immediately after the pai;snge of this resolution_: and ihat )lei;srs. Jonathan Tucker and Jonas Harris be appointed to hold their elections. Which re.•olutions were adopted. The rei:olntion offered bv l\fr. Jones. on the ninth instant, was then -called up, together with the amendments which had been accepted, and was adopted. ?lfr. Barrett submitted the following: Whereas, the pnblii;hers of the "Telegrnph and Texas Register" repre- sent that they have not e,ccNling three hundred subscribers; which, ad- mittinl! 1111 to be re!:pom,ihle, would not amount to thirty dollars· per week; that from a m-;penc:irm of husiness their suhscription list amounts to little: that for the intelligence of the army. and the informntion 0f what ii: doing in Te.XII!', the~· haYe i::ent a considerable number to the prin- c-ipnl citie• of the TTniterl Stntei:: therefore llm1lrerf. That. for the purpoi:ci: nhoYc mentioned, the convention 11u- thori1.e the i:nid publishers to continue to forward fifty number~ to the
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