The houl,:e met pur:;uant. to adjournment. The tp1estion was rt>:::umetl upon the fourteenth section of the report of the committee of the whole. The first clause was read and adopted. .\.n amendment offeretl to the i.,:ec-oncl clause, by ~Ir. William.c;on, was rejt•cted . .\ I r . D. Parker moved that the latter clause of this section be not acted up,,n uy this house before lO·JUOJTll\\ 1110rni1w at nine o'clock, which mo- . 0 hon was lo!'t. 'l'he latter clause of the fourteenth section was again read, and on mo- tion of )Ir. :Mitchell adopted. .Mr. S. Houstun moved that the fourteenth section be so amended as to require the commi:::siouers to be appointed under that section, to de- mand and take in charge all public documents, particularly those in the hall(h of the political chief of the department of N acogcloches; and that the said political chief cease his functions immediately; which was con- curred in. ?ifr. Barrett offered an amendment, which was received. Mr. D. Parker offered an amendment to this section, which was ·lost. l\Jr. Robinson offered the following as an additional section, to be called section eighteenth, which was adopted, viz: Section l S. All grants, sales, and conveyances of lands, illegally or fraudulently made by the legislature of the state of Coauhila and Texa.s, located or to be located within the limits of Texas, are hereby solemnly declared null, void, and of no effect. i\Ir. Everitt offered an additional section, to be called section nineteen,. which was adopted, as follows: . Section 19. That all persons who leave the country in its present crisis, "~t.h_a view to avoid a participancy in its present struggle, (without per- 1mss1on of the alcalde or judge of their municipality,) shall forfeit all or 3ny lands they may hold or have claim to, for the benefit of this govern- ment: provided. ne11erlheless, that widows and minors are not included in this provision. l\fr. A. Houston offered an additional section, to be called section twenty, fixing thP. time and place of the re-assembling of the consultation, which was adopted. 'l'he ~eport of the military department wns then taken up. The fnst !'ection was read and adopted. 'l'he second section wn.s read and adopted. The third section was read, and the amendment offered by l\f r. Parmer being rejected, was adopted. The fourth section was read and adopted. The fifteenth section was read and adopted. The sixteenth section was read and adopted. The seventeenth section was read and adopted.
'l'he fifth section was read, amenclecl and adopted. The sixth section was rend, amended nnd ndopted. 'l'he seventh section was read and adopted. 'l'he eighth section was rend nncl adoptecl. 'l'he ninth section was read, nmenclNl nnrl nclopted. The tenth .section was reacl, amended nnd ndopted.
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