Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

The plan of the civil and military department of the proposed pro- visional government having been read, On motion of Mr. 1l'Comb, it was Resolved, That the house go ini.o commiitee of the whole, for the purpose of considering said report, when Mr. Martin was called to the chair. After some time the committee rose, and through their chairman, Mr. Martin, reported progress. Mr. :M. \V. 8mith moved that the reports of the committees of twelve and five be referred to a select committee of five. Mr. S. Houston opposed the re-committing of said report to a commit- tee of fiYe: was lost. Mr. Whitaker moved, and it was Resolved, That the house go again into a committee of.the wholP., for the purpose of considering the reports of the committees of twelve and five, upon the subject of a plan of a provisional government. ]lfr. Robinson was called to the chair, and after some time spent in dis- cussion, the committee rose, and through their chairman reported that they had adopted the report of the committee of five, as the basis whereon to report the plan of a provisional government of Texas, founded upon the declaration of this body of seventh November instant. On motion the house adjourned until eight o'clock to-morrow morning. SAN FELIPE DE AUSTIN, Nov. 11, 1835. l Eight o'clock, A. M. f The house met pursuant to adjournment. The journal of ihe proceedings of yesterday was read. Mr. Robinson, from the committee of the whole house, to 'Yhich had been referred the reports of the committees of twelve and five, made re- port, That they had had the same under consideration, and begged leave to offer the following to the house, viz: that they had adopted the report of the committee of five, as the basis whereon the plan of a provisional government for Texas, founded upon the declaration of this body of the seventh inst., which he now reported and offered to the house. The hou~e then took up the report from the committee of the whole? when the first section of the civil department being read, was adopted.

'rhe 1,econd i;eetion was read_. amended, and adopted. The third section was read, amended, and adopted. The fourth section was read and adopted. The fifth section ,vas read., amended, and adopted. The sixth section ,,as read, amended, and adopted. The seventh section was read and adopted. The eighth section wus read and adopted. 'rhe ninth ~ection was read and adopted. The tenth section was read, amended, and adopted.

'('he eleventh section was read and adopted. 'rhe twelfth section was read and adopted. The thirteenth section was read and adopted. The fourteenth section was read, and on motion was divided, so that the question should be taken on each clause, separately. Before the question was put on the adoption, the house, on motion of Mr. Williamson, adjourned to half past two o'clock, P. M.


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